FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10is not tolerated in this folding story. Anyway, Dr. Pheelguddenheistmeistersteinenburger's German Shepherd Adalwolfa Brunhilda (formally a police dog) started barking at Von W. III
10Bozo smashed the windshield with his clown shoe and floored it.The other clowns in the jalopy started screaming as their wigs flew out the windows.If he was gonna get his mojo back
10is a song by Cat Stevens that will never see the light of day!" Sharon thought. Then she shamed herself for being so evil. Steve tried to fight with her and she opened her palm and
10Maybe when I answered that Craig's List ad, "Hermit wanted: Decent Pay, Room and Board. Willing to relocate to Whale's Ruin Bay." I sat making circles with the sea shells.
11l MAN!" Oops! Insecurity Woman clapped his hands over his mouth. His secret was finally out. Everyone had "a moment" &hugged. He finally felt...just fine.