FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10made the plots hard to follow. Even though the tape worms' colloquialisms were confusing (at best), they had a certain flair for Gonzo drama and the sudden inclusion of
12Detective Manatee was hovering right outside, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Hmmm," he mused. "I wonder if..." He took a few more notes & swam confront the killer.
10gerrymandering or navy intelligence. Alas, when the time came - he fell short. But such was the life of the last great folder.
11And got them on just in time! The honey pot was what Pooh craved most. But he followed instructions. The lederhosen looked okay on Pooh. A little boy passed by and complimented him
10Swallowing the pinballs from my winning streak at Wong Pinball Emporium to prevent others from repeating it had turning into a duodenal nightmare."No general anasthesea" said Dr