FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Re-educated in grammar by the Grammar Police, just in time to pass the college entrance exam. She ranked #5 in het class.
10the sinister busboy, who also happened to be his half-brother. Of course, his wealthy father had kept his half-brother a secret from the world, because it would ruin his
10bottle flies, dung beetles, & Mr.Needlepoop. He's been seen skulking around the Grand Cacas looking for coprolite trophies. You don't want your dookie in a Faecalia Museum do you?
11And then he disappeared into the crowd. Looking back, all those years ago, I wish I'd produced a bun & requested condiments, for I never met another like him. He was a real weiner.
12on the escalator. Catching her heel, she tumbled down infinitely. Legend has it, if you go to the mall, you can still see her this very day.