FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12eren't turned on by her hair bun, her glasses, her sailor's tongue or her judgmental stance. But when Valetta asked if they'd like another beer with their beer, well, no man could
11"Yeah, you probably haven't heard of me. I'm one of those little known superheroes." Insecurity Woman anxiously glanced at the audience and then stared at the floor.
10be called the bottomless coffee server. When you serve bottomless coffee, your customers get overheated. When your customers are too hot, you might get fired. When you get fired,
20But then, what was the purpose of my life? If I was simply a machine, controlled by someone with the remote, whence came my sense of autonomy? I puzzled over this question while
13was Sonic the Hedgehog, whose tryst with Edward Cullen sparked a flame war in the comments. VampStamp69 posited that Edward was not the "friggin queermo" my fanfic claimed. Others