FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12getting hammered will help me unlock the secrets.I opened my flask and took a swig, "Look, on, my, sorwk banana!" that's not right, I looked again, Loko no ym ye mgihty adn dsepira
12aren't even worth mentioning. Dr. Moodle's Past Grabber only grabbed the most banal boring moments in history. So, for instance, instead of the Battle of the Bulge, it grabbed
10your naming address, social securities number, and just forty American dollars and we will assuredly award you your seventy million dollars prize with large quickness. I await your
10. Being berried alive is a cruel form of execution. The victim is inhumed with berries. As a final insult, a tombstone is buried with him. I, unworthy sacrifice, had been berried.
10-ached the ground. I sent a beacon out to the blancmange planet to send more flan to earth, but they wired back that they had become a celestial frogurt stand. It finally dawned on