FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The sky was on fire. Not in a beautiful, metaphorical, take a picture with your phone sense. In a ohmygodeverythingsgoingtodie sense. I pushed my way into the cave, screaming for
10like Yoko Ono. He gnashes his teeth and urinates onto the gallery floor. The unperturbed attendees look on and can be expected to clap politely after the last drop falls. You
1717. World domination 18. Resolve the SALT talks. 19. Cure for Cancer 20. Rearrange my sock drawer 21. Remember to pick up baking powder (Pancakes YUM!) 22.
10out of production. I did that with almost everything I liked. This dead cat earring: out of production. This hooded lab rat: out of production. Wait; those are still in production.
13His life was a simmering stew of chainsaws, beef jerky and wrong answers. That's why he was so happy when