FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12you've waited too long, run for cover!! 7th, get Japan and fry some shallots. Wait two hours and congratulations! You've got a smelly kitchen and some honest work for dish washers.
10having to burn some spoiled fish carcasses from the storage barrels. The story didn't really fit the smell but most people will believe what they want to believe. Choosing to look
11alive? I picked up the acorn & rolled it between my bloody fingers. It seems I was and this...this little nut must be the reason why, I reasoned. My lucky acorn, it saved my life!
10and suddenly lights flashed, bells rang, and coins literally poured out of the slot machine while the old lady in polyester pants sitting next to me swooned in disbelief. I won
11Less luck than his swanky brother, Pster, and remainied unemployed forlornly roaming the streets with his metal detector in hand. Suddenly, an otherworldly ping alerted Peter