FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The light was orange, he reached for the door hinge. He leapt with a poor twinge. His hair was now more fringed. He made it out except for a singe. The Endge
10Piaget's chiseled chest. Piaget said he'd push me out of my zone of proximal fold development, but first he had to get something off his chest. He put the gun down & gave me a bran
10-derneath that odd statement was some sort of trueism. You pondered every word of it for months until you went completely mad. And then you understood. Oh yes, you understood.
10They would just have to downsize their plans for the Deathstar. "We will crush the rebellion with the Heartburn Lightbulb!" He laughed diabolically. "Yes, M'lord", said Vader, but
14things you shouldn't see, you have really bad guys wanting to kill you. When you have really bad guys wanting to kill you, you dress up like a woman and move to Brazil. When you d