FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Devious, Demonic, Deadly. E is for Evil. Envious, Egotistical, Evil. F is for
10about three seconds before it happened, which somehow was enough time for the past year and a half to play back in my mind, emphasizing every mistake I made, before I began flying
10llowed the cyanide capsule I'd left out for it together with a glass of Armagnac and a loaded revolver."I'll never swim in the ocean blue again," it's little fishy voice burbled
10him later.I had no nerve for a puking butler right now:I just had the interior polished up.Bloody Alfred.Why did I even employ him?I never need his services anyway! I really should
10She made me out of fear and sin/with shadow without and fire within/Mom filled me with dark euphoria/And set me deep in Moria/