FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11manchus blowing in the breeze. Steve envied Sharon's red-golden fu, the way the light caught it and seemed to dance within it. His own dark black fu was now shot with grey, and
11if maybe no pants and sailor suit was limiting his A-game with the ladies. Maybe he could get some pointers from his Uncle who taking a daily swim in his loot.
11That's when I knew Chaz's account had been hacked. He was the type to include glagolithic puns and a few runes in his password. But who had the means, and the motive? My monitor
14Count Dracula and at least 2/3 of the Cullen family would prevent me from ever committing a violent crime against anything with fangs and the ability to echolocate. Therefore,
10only had two miracles up his sleeve - heal cleft palate and "saintly glow while praying for the end of famine" so he was stationed in a dark corner before the statue of Our Lady of