FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Ellie struggled with her jumpsuit as she stumbled onto the stage. Rosy gave her a thumbs up from the wings. "This looks like a job for Insecurity Woman," she stammered.
12"Why are you always Russian around everywhere? Why do you raid the fridge every time you are Hungary? Iran when I was tired, but you have too much energy." My history professor was
10Some stories have all the luck. Some stories get all the breaks. Some stories have all the pain. Some stories do nothing but complain. Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo
10Another reason that people might stop writing on FS is that if they follow me, I then bombard them with unwanted writing advice and try to sell them my poetry (which is a bargain
10But, there was one single problem. Which object could be pushed without drawing the ire of the landlord? The cat examined her surroundings, desperate for an object to push.