FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14use he was so sick from the pills he had found in the dumpster the night before. "You're a party pooper, Rattus," the other two Rattuses sneered as they swilled the poisoned brew.
10Swallowing the pinballs from my winning streak at Wong Pinball Emporium to prevent others from repeating it had turning into a duodenal nightmare."No general anasthesea" said Dr
11"I could understand a shark chewing through an internet cable," she said quietly, "BUT YOU DRAGGED ME TO A HUT IN THE AMAZON!" She wept tears of deep pain. "But honey, the internet
11ve my request to have sex with it soon. Oman sent me a polite rejection. I had a short fling with Cambodia, but it's a constitutional monarchy. Anyway, I discovered I was pansexual