FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Oh good grief, this again!" thought the Emanator discreetly and with delight, as the Emanator and many sub-emanations enjoyed that dawn and those gongs, and children folded cranes
11Did you know sunflowers used to be able to walk? But people kept killing them for sport so eventually they just stopped. And now they are rooted to the ground like regular
11time trying to polish out the boulder damage, which also smoothed over the nice scourge-n-gravel antiquing he and Hercules had applied. Atlas's bedside table would just have to
12container of macaroni salad on Salazar’s infected bedsores; Salazar, roused from a fevered sleep, hurled expletives at her, snatched a shotgun from under the mattress and shot.
11someone else's fingertips, which had just handled several packages and some paper money that previously left the hands of a particularly unsavory cab driver who lived on