FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Yukon gold! Nuggets as big as your fists! Yeehaw!" he said. We immediately took a hard right and canoed to Nova Scotia. Cold as a witches teet it was, but we had nowhere else to
10the same rave, who were as much into each other as they were into Spencer. With Paradise within reach, Spencer had to decide whether to sacrifice it for the sake of his lofty motto
11duvet cave and nested there. "Oi, behave," I said. "That's the sort of business that led to our mewling brood of mammelings." Just then my mother burst in with the Ministry of Mamm
10ashed in a waning moon's light. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I invited the Moon. She'll be by after she sets." How could God be so thoughtless? "No problem God," I replied.
13by a veritable storm of neuronal activity. Peter's ennui floated somewhere above his frontal parietal lobe. Peter was having an epileptic seizure.. Fold and Pass flashed rapidly as