FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11The cat's disappearance was an improvement, in some respects, tho t'was odd sharing quarters with a black hole; I missed the remote immediately, and my wife not long after that.
138. SLAP SLAP! That's what you get for cryin', you big baby, you! Ditto on number seven. 9. Under no circumstances should you reveal your true identity. 10. Fold your stories as you
13"Think you'll like it out here, kid?" Lucca hollered up to me from the lower deck. I threw the rose to him. He caught it, laughed and tossed it to the rain where it landed in a rai
11the cops showed up & demanded to see her permit. "Permit?!" Valetta scoffed. She whipped out the incriminating high-def photos & shoved 'em under Officer O'Malley's shocked face.
10BANG! My lights went out. I woke up what felt like days later in a hospital bed. A multi-lighted machine next to me gave off an innocuous *beep* then shut down. I couldn't see any