FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14h. 5. If you use Klingon,be ready to take the heat. 6. No folding under influence...of commom sense. 7.No personal matters will be treated with any don't come crying.
13totalitarian technocrats, eleven edible echidnas, twelve truckers trucking! Wait... was that how it's supposed to go?
12r. All the foldy people where do their folds come from? All the foldy people where do they all belong? Fr. Mackenzie writing the words to a fold earning only 1 point-so he smokes a
10picked a gigantic boogie out of his nose & wiped it on LucieLucie's designer jeans, ignoring the Purple Prof completely. "LL, what is a Cleveland steamer?" LL poked Jimbeau in the
11I didn't tell the crew.The political officer was already suspicious about my motive for entering this remote sector. But now that I'd seen my clone floating in deep space