FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10never really saw wearing anything but baggy sweat pants and a Merry Maids smock. I fantasized about the elastic band in her pants becoming too loose. Jan knew, so my coffee was
12Or this one? "Eleanor Rigby picks up the folds in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at her computer, folding the folds that she keeps in a jar by the doo
10The sky was on fire. Not in a beautiful, metaphorical, take a picture with your phone sense. In a ohmygodeverythingsgoingtodie sense. I pushed my way into the cave, screaming for
13Stop that. Reverse it. Twelve typos tended, eleven emus emailed, ten typists twerking, nine nuns nagged, eight ears elbowed, seven speeches slurred, six sloths surrendering, five
10a rolled-up piece of paper fall out of my boss’ underpants as he zipped his fly, turned, and walked out of the john. I grabbed and unrolled the paper to reveal a photo of a naked