FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Lord, who was testing our faith/fucking with us. "Do you believe in dinosaurs?" was heaven's entrance exam; the correct answer was "no." One guy who learned this the hard way was
11come the next to be Millionaire who wants.My request courage comes beleiving you will keep your repute noted by me, Nigeria Prince, through six degrees seperating us. Please send
35If ever there was a time to use his cell phone, this was it. But he had left his charger at home and the phone was dead. He squinted down the road and could just make out
12I will say the very meaning of life. I will discuss the very reason why we are here, and what we're doing and why we're doing it. I will put all this responsibility on the next guy
11be a prickly problem. He landed in a Saguaro cactus deflating his hammer pants and his Zelda fantasy. The pain was all too real and his Wii controller useless.