FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Wax your chest, get a tan and wear black Speedos," his uncle advised, as he floated by on his inflatable duck. This, my friends, is the true unauthorized story of Julio Iglesias.
11but if you'll REALLY use these fruit adventure Tic Tacs as dentures, they're yours for nada." Freed of that expense, Tod put on the Tic Tacs & rushed to his tryout as anchorman for
121st, Greece a frying pan with half a pack of butter. 2nd, Macédoine as many vegetables as you can lay your hands on. 3rd, Italy be best if you wear goggles for the next part. 4th
11and cheerfully asked him if his liver had grown back again. Prometheus growled at him, claiming Sisyphus asked him the same darn question every night! Sisyphus shrugged, and start
10Soon” card. Judd felt his destiny was meaningful writing, like restaurant menus or supermarket flyers. The Hallmark gig had allowed him to save a bit, so with $10.78 in his wallet