FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11be a dog who plays soccer." Valetta stared at him in burning disbelief. Officer O'Malley slammed his fists against his head again and this time the craziest thing
10proved too much for me. Humanity was beneath me. I could not express enough how much I felt our species was a cancer to our planet
11The place is 4 billion yrs old for cryin' out loud. So the heatings cantankerous. The place has charm doesn't it? It's in the best part of the solar belt. I have a mind to evict
10Leonardo DiCaprio himself. I can even touch my tongue to my nose. But no way can I write a college essay. That's why I came to FoldingStory for help. Would you please help me?
13I am going to go play dead for the next 4 years; hold all my calls.