FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Well, more bacon is guaranteed to improve any situation unless you're a pig. If you're a little pink beast with a curly tail, the only good bacon is the bacon that IS your belly.
10He would sit at the bar surrounded by hipsters and light the fringe from the cuffs of his Levis with a Bic lighter. He slammed Jagers, "I don't get drunk, just filoshiphical."
13Me in there ! The rats told me, "Join the club!" and stared at me, until I too became Rattus Norvegicus. Now we went as a group and the party really started at 2 that morning.
13stamps. The invitations were sent out & dog connoisseurs from the neighborhood arrived & fastened napkins to their necks. They all attributed Salazar's deliciousness to the sauce.
10Lobsterman and Godzilla went, for the first time, to the nearest Whole Foods in search of good, healthy food. In the produce department, they looked around like tourists. They were