FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Lord, who was testing our faith/fucking with us. "Do you believe in dinosaurs?" was heaven's entrance exam; the correct answer was "no." One guy who learned this the hard way was
10blushed. "I'll always be James, even when I'm Archbishop of Canterbury!" he said with heat. Ex Inspector Lewis was shocked by the potato bugs' massive size & morose demeanour. "Who
10It wasn't until midway through the job that I realized I had no idea how to disable a camera. The bundle of C-4 in Ronna's perm was ready to go, but I was busy frantically
11there was a beautiful little girl named Pokarina and her favorite thing to do was skip stones on the chocolate milk lake by her candy cottage..." Despite myself I snuggled down
10air and felt the streams of the current rippling against my body. I swam in the air, back stroking, spiralling up a thermal until I could see him far below me looking up at me, a