FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10One night, my dad found a large nest of moths. Instead of using the vacuum cleaner, he got out a blow torch. "You moths like light?" he said. "You'll get some."
10for life. My main concerns are germs and bears. Minor concerns include potholes, undercooked spare ribs, mayonnaise, paper cuts, wasps, dogs licking my ears, over long skirts and
13"Do you like the rhinos?" Jenny asked me. I offered her a Twizzler stick to chaw on, but she shook her head from side to side which meant she didn't care for some. "Stupid is as
11please her showed what an all round good guy he was. But Kim wanted more: new curtains. Hiis cash was all going on steak tartare to keep his strength up for the prodigious bouts of
11"Son of a bitch!" stammered Larry. There was a stomach-turning moment as Moe and Curly stood there, stunned. The universe felt like it had imploded. "You knuckle-head..." said Moe.