FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Low budget lightning attack that couldn't even kill a man covered in circuitry. Truly, the Power of the Dark Side suffered at the hands of budget cuts. The Emperor did not dispair
15Madame Wong's Japanese restaurant, 'Bansai!!' only served miso soup. Opening packets of miso and adding hot water was it, regarding her culinary skills. Beijingers loved its minima
18folds spoken in thirteen consecutive languages, each translated by a Yiddish fisherman on sabbatical from his accounting side job. 20. Always finish a fold with a
14I quit. I studied the 'best' stories. Can't discern a pattern. Someone makes a list & loses their plunger? Woopdeedoo. A girl gets a papercut? Big deal. Your about to get sk0njed!
10Another reason that people might stop writing on FS is that if they follow me, I then bombard them with unwanted writing advice and try to sell them my poetry (which is a bargain