FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10The Masked Man of Camp Crystal Lake died years ago while trying to finish the annual 10K. He never made it though. Now, every year, he haunts the woods, racing unsuspecting campers
10I was tired of being so clever and self-involved, but the baroque tapestry of my superior mind had already been woven. I avoided commoners for their sake; even a simple "hello"
10Xklk, the Romulan cheif editor of "Romulan Bites" gourmet magazine. So the Romulans decided to evaporate every Starbucks on Earth and in the heavens and insist on Romulan coffee.
10people need to stay the hell away! The FS frathouse is the partyingest at U and we don't need no stinking, pretentious, educated jerks messing up our reputation." My rant complete,
11The approach of day is heralded with the sonorous voices of the huge gongs being vigorously beaten by the official welcomer of the dawn.