FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10So let us now, with a kiss and a twerk / Get down to our most cellular work / Overpopulation is a bore / But what the heck, let's make one more.
10They trotted to the back of the building. "Same with this one," concluded Mort, after a bout of shoving against the portal failed to budge it. "Alright, bring out the RPG-7!"
17My puppet master yanked my strings to and fro. One moment he or she, I think I prefer a she, has plopped me on the divan watching hours and hours of Antique Roadshow and the next I
12a minute, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "no worries, only absolute losers who live in their parents' basement know what a manakete is anyway." I'll get you a new parakeet if
15Doreene shuffled dern ta yeller brick bowleevard and came up on a scardeecrow right dumber'n a box of hammers. Farther on, tey met a tin man who needed his heart transplanted.