FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10write a coherent story. I wish I were back in foldingstoryland, by the babblin' brook. before the giant speaking mushroom, whose mycelia gird the mantel. tells me what to say.
10I will eat Cornish hens instead,my cats sitting next to me at the dinner table. They don't need forks and knives. Less cleanup on my part.
10jarring at first but then it becomes oddly refreshing. What's more refreshing is that dead people don't feel the need to talk all the time. Not that I don't sometimes imagine them
10Jennerists out there, it was no surprise fitness places appeared like rabbits out of hats. The Minister of Information even said, "Fitness begets survival in times of nuclear war."
10I have recently noticed that some Folders are using Shark Lady, Det. Manatee, and Mrs. Quackenbush as characters in a trifle many (did I just use an oxymoron?) folds..any others?