FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"I'm worried, Tad," I said, touching the tiny stain. "If reincarnation is true, this potato bug could well return as something else & seek revenge." Tad nodded. A large shadow
10***TINKERBELL'S WRATH*** 2013. A short story in ten parts by the anonymous authors of All rights reserved. --- Wendy never saw it coming.
11All stories are love stories.
10vicious. In fact fish with the wrong organs detached are among the most dangerous species on the planet. The flying ones in particular, which can often
11I sold everything and went on a three-day binge of hedonist delights. My doctor then called, "Forgot to add a zero at the end. You'll live for 30 years. Sorry, sending your bill."