FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10blow out the candles!" The judge gaped in awe at the surprise birthday party thrown in his honor at the height of a murder trial. "For he's a judgy good fel-low..." sang the jury.
10. A young Tibitian looked at the silver tea pot and saw his reflection distorted. The kettle whistled and he hastily prepared oolong for the Dalai Lama. Elsewhere, a man dreamed.
10The Masked Man of Camp Crystal Lake died years ago while trying to finish the annual 10K. He never made it though. Now, every year, he haunts the woods, racing unsuspecting campers
12heavy with feeling. "Ummm... I walked here tbh," I replied. So we set off together to my remote cabin, a 7 mile hike over rough ground. He started wheezing as my grocery cart skitt
14my sallow skin, crooked teeth and shaggy eyebrows. Not to mention my acne, receding hairline and dandruff. I COULD NOT allow myself to be photographed. I leapt over the metal barri