FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10to gently fondle her pair of expensive loafers right in front of her. It was more than the poor waif would handle and after two hours of nonstop shoe fondling, her heart gave out.
15She would often talk to and cry on the shoulders of her cardboard friends, and she would tell them how her papier mache boyfriend didn't show any emotional response
10amazed, frankly, that the zombie bluesman still had the brains to remember the words. I stopped running from the horde long enough to watch him play a tune on the guitar.
10the concrete under my prison slippers, snuggling under the thin cotton blanket on my lumpy mattress, and hearing my number at roll call. I would be home again.
10easy shuffling thru the vacant corridors of my soul. It hurts when people are nice. He spent a drunken night complimenting me & asking to hang out. Next day, he blocked me on IM.