FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11was instantly disintegrated, leaving behind only a dark, smoldering mark on the floor. No one has messed with that particular cashier again since. True story.
10"Jorge Titsworth, watching, masturbating, & laughing." It made no sense, but strangely, other foldsters voted for his folds. Truth be told, he was a passive-aggressive folder. He
11the festival crowd. Everybody recognized it as the opening strum of the hot song of 2019 by their local boy. Kenny of Kenny & the Parkas. Anyone who drank the free grape-ade peaked
10suspicious, then ran out of the bank and down the street to the park, where she disappeared into a crowd of people who all wore parkas and sunglasses. The bank cop that followed
12"Sorry, I'm all out." My childhood memories would never be the same. "Hey, Eeyore...why so glum?" "I'm not depressed - just really, really, mellow," he said and took a deep drag