FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15nice things! Damn teenagers and their goats, they always have to break things! Next time I see them, I'm
10get deep fried in the turkey fryer. Scrooge yelled, "Nooooo!" The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past then pointed with it's neck at a gravestone that said, "
10As it turns out, she had. Her blue-in-blue eyes shined with euphoria like Fremen as she tipped her head to one side and lipped her lips seductively.
12raising two fingers to indicate a phony need for a restroom. The speaker looked put-out and waved me off, and I almost got out the door before I was pelted with over-ripe fruit.
10like Yoko Ono. He gnashes his teeth and urinates onto the gallery floor. The unperturbed attendees look on and can be expected to clap politely after the last drop falls. You