FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10***TINKERBELL'S WRATH*** 2013. A short story in ten parts by the anonymous authors of All rights reserved. --- Wendy never saw it coming.
11The cat's disappearance was an improvement, in some respects, tho t'was odd sharing quarters with a black hole; I missed the remote immediately, and my wife not long after that.
10er 180 characters. Neither nudity, the blood dripping from my eye, nor common sense would stop me, and I finished my fold in less than 4 minutes. Then I pushed my life alert button
10The negotiations between Easy Button and the CEO of Staples continued: "My client demands to be marketed as a superhero," said Easy's agent. "His superpower? Summoning toner."
11that the demigod was tightly compressed into nutrition for horses, I lit up a smoke and sat back, ignoring the demigod's vague wails of "My butt! It hurts!" The Celestial Combine