FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10is a prescription for dirty silverware. I advise TarnX! You can remove stains even from deep crevices!" He whipped out a bottle & sprayed it on the 43 forks sticking in my derrière
11she got out her big wheel, her rolling drum, her yella hat with the 3 little feathers in it. She stared blankly at me and shouted, "Salagadoola mechickaboola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!
10Worse, Aunt Valetta's hair was dyed a weird shade of turqoise. Her concert over, she said "This way, babe!", put on a black helmet & made me mount a Harley-Davidson behind her. WTF
21protected against anything sharp that might threaten to pop their latex hides. The whole balloon animal zoo was completely rounded. Visitors were thoroughly searched for pointed
13we will rule the night!" "Yes," came the response. "Let us change and forget ourselves. Let us howl at the moon, fly, drink the blood of innocents--" "Wait, what?"