FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10, being figments of my overwrought imagination, never irritate me because I can always switch them off. My FS imaginary friends all live in a big house, saying witty & erudite
10In the cold depths of space there lived a strange little man. Wise with the knowledge of all creation, he lived on an icy moon surrounding a strange, purple world. His name was
10with a little less spring in his step. Kanga. Well Kanga was hopping mad and hopped off into the outback upon hearing the news. She's probably at the bar. Dundee is another story.
10- you guessed it - more bacon! Guaranteed to improve any situation. Pile it high, slather that with some maple syrup, and gulp down several mugs of Porky's Piggy Pilsner.
10The shotgun's bullet headed straight for me, but my moth body was so light that it's force blew me out of its way. The man with the shotgun swore as I spun off into the night.