FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15. It just so happened that we were eating pudding right then and there. And my slice wobbled, just like Uncle Hugo's belly. Uncle Hugo was in my pudding! I had to get him out!
11"Son of a bitch!" stammered Larry. There was a stomach-turning moment as Moe and Curly stood there, stunned. The universe felt like it had imploded. "You knuckle-head..." said Moe.
10make a decision. "Carl, America, we believe in individual freedoms . So a toe has a right to leave the foot and persue happiness. On the other hand, different fingers." The judge
12be safe. It's always best to be safe than sorry. Peter snatched the juicyfruit-flavored condoms from my hand & stormed off. Ungrateful bastard. I don't know why I even try. Next,
13Boy did the Hobgoblin know how to stick his foot in his mouth. Spiderwoman ignored his remark as she made a garlic mayo dip for the fries. The Hobgoblin finished his iced tea.