FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10He would sit at the bar surrounded by hipsters and light the fringe from the cuffs of his Levis with a Bic lighter. He slammed Jagers, "I don't get drunk, just filoshiphical."
10interpreted the bible. As a result he faithfully believed that the earth was only 5000 years old and that dinosaur bones were put in the earth by the
13Rattus cracked open a keg and passed cup to Rattus. Rattus shouted "Hey Rattus, Rattus, and Rattus! Come get some brew!" Rattus and Rattus ran over but Rattus turned them away beca
10The Garden of Earthly Delights swayed the travellers with "Primrose of Passions" and "Foxglove of Foolishness." But that night, the Garderer would appear, with a weed whacker.
10whatever political party is in office at the time. My main concern is that this'll mean the loss of a dependent, and I might get bumped into a higher tax bracket with the insurance