FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11The Z-liner skimmed over the waves making a B-line for Havanna. After 20 min Mr.Cruke noticed they were deviating from the chartered course. With the suitcase cuffed to his wrist
11Take the lower left hand corner and bring it to your knee. Once you have made the crease, shout, "Heil sensai!" and drop the beat. Fold 2 is easy. You can do that one. Fold 3:
112. A mint never hinged inverted Jenny postage stamp so I can send my granny a postcard from the Falkland Islands.
10down." Their reinforcements, Itchy & Scratchy, quickly assembled the rocket launcher & handed it to Ouchy. Bonzo was hit in the arse, and swore, regretting he ever went to Bitburg.
10What is the end game of Evil? Once Good is destroyed what will Evil do? Where does Evil see itself in 5 years? Has Evil considered the Balkans? In what light does Evil shine bright