FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10n. Homo-sapien." The other cavemen laughed & pointed. "HOMO sapien!" they taunted. Zood's rainbow colored spear was a dead giveaway. "Neanderthals! All of them!" Zood decided. Evol
12mistook this for a local custom, and graciously threw up on my lap in response. Dame Whitty was nothing if not gracious. Just then a nearby waiter tripped and fell, spilling his
11. Christopher Robin rapped smartly on the door of 'Tresspasser's Will' "Pooh? Seen Piglet?" Pooh stepped out in chains and mohawk. "No, I just had some ham for my rumbly tumbly."
16Flat Stanley thought her hyperbolic curves were just his geodesic & led her by shortest path to a soft horizontal plane to plot her inner spaces. He said, "Your hidden dimensions
12Alex Trebek prompted. "Who is a preteen with the hots?!" "That's right Mrs. Squat! And that completes the daily double! And now back to our sponsors." Who thinks these question up?