FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11wants some more? All the hungry people. Where do they all come from? All the hungry people. Where will they all sit down?! Father McMurtry, writing the words of a paper that no one
10As it turns out, she had. Her blue-in-blue eyes shined with euphoria like Fremen as she tipped her head to one side and lipped her lips seductively.
11"GOLEM SMASH!" and proceeded to attempt to smash everything in sight. Naturally the Play Doh hadn't dried and the Play Doh Clone ended up smooshing himself into an unrecognizable
10soft pliable items suitable for a baby to play with. The McMahan/starfish propelled itself slowly up the tunnel towards him! Ned pulled a natural rubber teething ring from his bag.
10kitchen with a disdainful look on her face. Really? And how exactly did you come to find my cold cream glazed across your doughnuts? You know that I abstain from any such