FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
15the grate-n-powerfool Gizzard. 'Pears to me dat you could use some hep, too." So the sceerdy lion joined in wid the rest & ambled on down da yeller brick road. When dey came to
10Cliff Huxtable had gotten a card game together with Norm & Woody. Only Norm's cell phone kept ringing because Rachel wanted him to bring home some face cream. I ate the last donut.
11Take the lower left hand corner and bring it to your knee. Once you have made the crease, shout, "Heil sensai!" and drop the beat. Fold 2 is easy. You can do that one. Fold 3:
10disapprove of her son Billy's cushion collection, or worse, want to claim it (especially the frilly ones). His mother had an array of suitors, like Billy had an array of pillows.
11Stepping into his apartment, Steve noticed for the first time that there was a grey squirrel sitting on his sofa, right where he swore the night before he had left his prized