FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It got more than a little weird when Jerry Seinfeld showed up for the bar and started flirting with Diane and then Sam punched him. By the time I was down to one donut,
10Maybe when I answered that Craig's List ad, "Hermit wanted: Decent Pay, Room and Board. Willing to relocate to Whale's Ruin Bay." I sat making circles with the sea shells.
10My Mother loves me, yes she does/With Evil, Despair, and Hate, because/She was there with me before I was/A little tiny speck of Fuzz/
10a nor'wester blowin a rum looking packet my way. It had a superstructure enclosing the decks, apparently as defense against Giant Middle Aged Squid Men like me. I ripped the flimsy
12t world. I shivered when I realised what had happened. This happened in the movies - the hero would help an unassuming person, and then they would be thrown into another dimension!