FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12the broadway revival of My Fair Lady, a re-imagining where society is filled with illiterate hunchbacks who try to bring Eliza Doolittle down to their level. He quickly auditioned.
10to dream a dream? Does this dragon track have to have a destination?" JMan ignored the wise Det & reached down to pick up a dragon scale covered in glinting runes. "To Norway!" gru
12off his ass-of-a-face with Dr. Derriere's reusable toilet tissues {patent pending}. The Captain and the Chairman were squared off for battle when an eruption on Planet Pubis caused
11the differences between metaphor and the literal scope." "As in," he retorted, "I'm being figuratively henpecked by you, and literally by Sigmund's chicken." Sigmund smiled slyly.
10the base boards inside his hotel room. He put down his pen and saw magic bean stalks growing out of his shower. He called the front desk. "Looks like you have a Narnia infestation