FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10some verbiage seems to be missing. But, hey, who needs context after all? Not this fold. And so the story continues on right were it was left off. The part where
12randy bandicoots, seven dancing dingos, eight ejaculating echidnas, nine nesting numbats, ten
10story about a guy's first day working at a quick lube shop at the Mos Eisley spaceport. His train or never comes back from lunch and he then finds out his arm got cut off at
11Bearnard closed his eyes in the face of the wind. The sound of water crashing around the ferry could not disturb his dream. He saw a sky, bruised with bold clouds, threatening to
20My tweed waterbed is the centrepiece of my boudoir. I use it to seduce outdoor types such as gamekeepers, assistant gamekeepers, gamekeepers mates and environmentalists. Rough twee