FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12He shifted from bull to bull with a total disregard for team chemistry. Now the Rodeo was coming up and he'd be bein' bucked by some stranger bull. Jim 'n' I tried to stop him from
11, which seemed sexier than it really was. She was all talk, and kept jabbering even as they were swept into the hallway by the exploding waterbed. That was the nail in the coffin.
10nished with a fleeting modicum of enjoyment before my tentacular acquaintance squeaked the final invocation that would collapse all existence. I mustered my sympathy and said,
10vodka and bread lines. Then a stork said, "To hell with this baby crap. I'm going into the pickle business." His best friend said, "Tom, you're talking crazy. We deliver babies
10suspicious, then ran out of the bank and down the street to the park, where she disappeared into a crowd of people who all wore parkas and sunglasses. The bank cop that followed