FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Adding insult to injury, he was no paragon of grammatical precision by himself neither. His folds dangled paranthetical phrases and split infinitives, but him resolved to reform wh
10and they even threw Tampons at it and her, too! "Pipe down!" Insecurity Woman shouted forcefully, "I never said anything about being great! I'm just your everyday, run-of-the-mil
11a 1600 mile long dark ride, the kind with boats in a flume. The theme would be horror fiction and the darker aspects of history. You could park your boat and camp in the scenes.
10. This was a thriving metropolis until the Hippo Stampede of '01. You could still see bite marks in an abandoned Pontiac Aztec, where the rebellion had begun. A hippo was gipped on
10Stolen bottle of Valium that you were looking for. Remember? That was when the riots happened and you were told not to report it. Mr. Gigabyte himself made that decision." The