FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10He started by dipping his toe in Romance. The water he dipped his toe in was warm like a woman's embrace. He savored the sensation. He might be virile and handsome but he needed a
10The little cubs all drowned. And that, Goldilocks, is why you must stay home, even when I go out and Uncle Bert stays with you. And you must do whatever he says. Goldi shook her
10in perfect unison. Then a sausage guru stepped forward and said "Oh holy fa! We have all wondered for years, what does fa actually mean?" The fa simply replied "It's an acronym for
10for retirement. The phone rang. Startled, he answered. "Hello CSI? There's been a suspicious accident on the set of Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom, Marlin Perkins was gored by a Bore
11door salesman he never had much luck trying to sell doors to people who obviously already had them. The logic was lost on him, but he sold enough to pay half the rent on a