FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10in perfect unison. Then a sausage guru stepped forward and said "Oh holy fa! We have all wondered for years, what does fa actually mean?" The fa simply replied "It's an acronym for
14America's legal justice system. Nobody cared about laws and regulations anymore. They didn't have time. In the town's broken, ravaged streets, it was only a game of survival.
10wanted to get in on Gay Halloween to meet hot chicks. Dalai Guru had to be inventive to find women ever since the unspiritual unthinkable happened.
12Devious, Demonic, Deadly. E is for Evil. Envious, Egotistical, Evil. F is for
10atrical as they were. Rupert's innovative music was really out there, you know? Like WAY out there...out on a limb, out there...which is exactly where Leif liked to be.