FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14butcher's wife." "Wait! This meat came from Jorge's? Get it out! Get it out!" The roast was promptly flung into the gutter. Several bundles of sage were lit and the purging stone
12To Rambo's discomfort, Richard Simmons just wanted to whip his ass no matter what shape it was in. Furthermore, televised exercise was selling out. Rambo moaned in fat despair.
10It's a true and universally known fact that cats like to lick the inside of shoes. This pleases them and brings good luck to the owner. Once the shoe full of cat spit is put on
11ever. That was four years ago. The effects weren't actually as tangible as you might think. The most noteworthy change was that I began to think like a lima bean. I noticed
13The Clufwaang spake,"Snickle, Fagan! Your Gefurtwenger slothes and jangnates in your drivish, hubchungling sot! I am klunked with you--bronisiously!" Fagan turned and queened, his