FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I owned an angry computer. It always automatically added curse words to my instant message text, whoever I was sending it to. Alas, I could not afford anything else.
10your naming address, social securities number, and just forty American dollars and we will assuredly award you your seventy million dollars prize with large quickness. I await your
10"Get your story straight" said Detective Manatee "Is it that Destiny ate the pudding cup or that Fate made YOU eat the pudding cup? But in either case you were faultless, right?"
10It's a true and universally known fact that cats like to lick the inside of shoes. This pleases them and brings good luck to the owner. Once the shoe full of cat spit is put on
10had addled his mind. A common side effect of time travel. He spun the dial on his machine in a final desperate attempt to return to the present. He closed his eyes and hoped.